PlantsR [love/loves]
Unambiguously good. Full stop. All y’all who are calling this nanny state shit need to grow up.
Cigarettes have no space in a sane society. They are tremendously harmful to people’s health. Not just those who smoke but anyone anywhere near them and even anyone who spends time in a room where someone has smoked (third hand smoke, Google it)
Obviously trying to ban them out of nowhere won’t work so this phase out makes a lot of sense
Literally raunchier than WAP
I love it
Ahh these are some very good questions, the kinda stuff I need to know but wouldn’t have even thought to ask.
I’ve never unionized a place before. But I think I would be good at talking to coworkers.
The job would be awful tho, I hadn’t actually thought about that. Idk if I’d even end up hanging around long enough to actually start the unionizing
Material conditions baybee
As the Millennials get older, buy houses in the burbs and have kids they’re gonna start changing their politics
Damn woah yeah, i hadn’t thought about it that way
This is actually true for many videogames
He’s right.
Also associating correctness with attractiveness is incorrect and harmful
And y’all say America doesn’t have culture.
THIS is American culture