PowerOfGlove [she/her]
I’m glad they weren’t crunched for it, but I do still think the idea of a $70 full-on remake of The Last of Us (When we already had Remastered on the PS4, and the original ain’t even that old to begin with) is still kinda dumb.
What does it mean if I like Plastic Man?
It’s annoying that the most recent way to play Persona 3 FES console-wise is as a PS2 Classic on the PS3.
They should’ve rereleased it together with the upcoming P3 Portable remaster.
Def. a problematic fave for me. But I like the performances (Especially Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan) and the absurdity of how Forrest is shoehorned into like every major American cultural/historical event from the period, so I can’t completely disown it.
The trailer better have a dramatic orchestral rendition of “I Love You, You Love Me” with blaring horns and a little girl singing.
I hope there’s a scene where he eats a bunch of blood out of a jar labeled “blud”, and he ultimately gets defeated after he gets stuck halfway in a trash compactor or something.