Prolefarian [he/him]
When they were doing the initial review or whatever I told them I thought the traffic laws concerning bikes in the city were shit. Case had to do with a cycling accident. They let me go immediately. Was going to be an open and shut waste of time. Guy was riding his bike on the sidewalk which was forbidden in the city even though it is unavoidable in places. There was no way he was gonna win. Felt kind of bad dipping but there was no way the judge instructed the jury to find any way but according to traffic laws.
I’ve heard this same take from people living in Japan so you’re def not the only one.
kenny loggins riff
Highway. to. the. coolest zone :sankara-bass:
“You are alive and living now, now is the envy of all of the dead”
:blob-no-thoughts: okay!
Man I stopped playing TF2 for quite a few years and tried to go back recently and I AM SO BAD. I was always bad but I could at least hold my own as classes that didn’t require as much aiming like medic / heavy / pyro. Apparently all the time I spent in Overwatch didn’t really help. Feelsbadman. Perks of getting old maybe.
It allows you to spectate games live - sometimes I’ll go on there and watch Japanese players play Street Figther 3rd strike or Darkstalkers for funsies. It also supports replays of your sessions. But you’re not wrong though, crowds are really what make fighting game events and such.