People are leaving lemmy because of the quality of the apps
They are used to using a terrible app that often breaks and spams you with notifications of random posts
100% of the ads i saw on facebook that i can remember were scams
The realization that games are made by humans and that i can become a game developer
First unity, then godotos.
The only thing missing is unrealengineos
Out of the 4 laptops i used recently, 3 of them were using a pirated version of windows. 1 of them(my laptop) didnt use a pirated version of windows because it was already paid when i bought the laptop. I thought all laptops(that are not using macos or linux) came with windows preistalled
Im afraid of heights
A lot of people are comparing windows to linux, but windows worldwide has only about 70% market share.
There are way less mac os and chrome os users than worldwide