Let the record show that the first person to become a cooperating witness was the IT guy. Remember kids, it is Black Friday rules – he who flips first gets the best deals.
Except this case was denied by the Supreme Court in 2018,
Congrats India. Incredible times we’re living in! Russia just got outpaced in the space race by… India!
No wonder Pence didn’t get in the car.
Outright climate denial, avoidance of actually engaging the question, and zero mention of any policy Republicans might advance on climate.
It was a public execution by Putin to remind Russians, and especially Russia’s elites, that no one survives opposing the Kremlin’s master.
Every four years you have the opportunity to take the country back. It’s called an election.
As to drones, would you rather use live soldiers to carry out missions given the possibility of their death? As a followup, do you believe that drone warfare would have existed in any case?
As for Snowden, what makes him any different from Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen or many more? Just because you claim the high ground doesn’t mean you own it.