Also interested. I’m admittedly very ignorant and have not researched that claim at all. Good sources summarizing the arguments for CIA and ISIL links are appreciated.
Hide yo kids.
Overall, the takeaway for me is dogmatic and ideological purity must be cautioned against just as much as reactionary and capitalist counter revolutionary movements.
Pursuing the implementation of historical materialism and Marxism as a PRACTICE, unique to each material condition and historical moment, at a particular system or place by a particular people available.
They don’t view themselves as a vanguard party, nor do they feel there is one in the USA yet. Their approach is focused on being the “headlights for the masses” by focusing on using the Mass Line within working class and national liberation movements or mass orgs, taking their needs and using Marxist-Leninism to address the immediate needs and tie it to the larger strategic goals of uniting the working class and national liberation movements towards revolution.
They focus on identifying the “advanced” within the masses who are the masses chosen leaders within unions, labor movements, and national liberation movements to help implement the above to reach the “intermediate” (vast majority of these movements) while protecting against the backwards, reactionary, or opportunists who move these movements away from liberators and revolutionary potential.
Recruit those among the advanced into Cadre and empower them with the tools of Marxism-Leninism.
Making communists.
I dig it.
Index funds and chill.
Weapons of Mass Destruction! Amerikkka, come on. Do something.
This author is also part of a new four part podcast series on Guerrilla History: