This is my opinion as a random person on the internet: no. The kernel only affects what hardware it can be ran on. Everything else that would make a difference to end users is basically done in userspace.
The thing holding Android back is its JVM layer between the kernel and the userspace. This adds overhead, meaning your phone needs more RAM or it will have performance issues. You also need slower default animations to cover up the increased loading times from this overhead, which make the system seem slow, especially when compared to iPhones.
I want to start off by saying you’re very wise to see the situation you’re in and actively want to change it. Being AuDHD myself, I definitely understand the challenges you’re facing and relate.
From the sounds of things, I think you’re burned out. Usually people burn out from work, but I would recommend taking 30 minutes where you don’t get on your phone or otherwise distract yourself, to let your mind wander. Maybe force yourself to go on a walk through a nearby park if possible. This will allow your brain to process everything you’re going through and you might be able to find what burned you out and next best steps.
If it is your job that’s burning you out, start looking for another job immediately. It’s okay if it’s a step back: sometimes it’s better to have a lower paying job with less stress to get your bearings and get a better job once you’ve figured life out.
I’m proud of you for striving to improve. I’m sure you’ll do great.
I’d love to kick some money his way, but he only has two tiers: $20/mo and $100/mo. I think he could get a lot more donations if he started with a $5/mo tier.
I think he’d also do well to make a “this is why you should use bcachefs of ext4” sort of post to bring awareness to the project and its benefits.
A ghost must have written this, no one alive understands this reference and knows how to use a fax machine.
Sounds like the dude might be on the autistic spectrum with some ADHD thrown in. These people can be toxic in this state and it’s hard to get them to move on without they themselves wanting to.
Have you ever hung out with him and “the guys” in a while? Maybe he misses the “good old days” and hasn’t realized people have changed. Doing another might push him to that conclusion himself, and it would be a good way to get him pointed in a more constructive direction. If the dude is anti authoritarian and hates modern culture, getting him to get a civil engineering degree might be the catalyst to break him out of the cycle.
If you do this, I would have at least one of y’all be prepared not to “refute” his claims but nudge him to a new discovery; if he brings up sidewalks being authoritarian say something like “oh, interesting. Have you read any of Jane Jacobs’ work? I think you’d like it.”
However, it shouldn’t be like an intervention. Try to let him have fun—have drinks, games, a bouncy castle, I dunno—and go at his pace. People like him just need a push in the right direction before they hurt people.
Damn, that was insanely fast, quadruply so compared to Nouveau
Linux is great about providing that feeling of discovery. New tools, new processes, new paradigm… It’s the best way to breathe new life into an old piece of hardware.
If this is your first major step, congratulations! If you’re a regular, great job, keep it up; eventually you’ll be a grey beard with the rest of us.