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Wow, so I lost a friend who I thought I’d just put on hold, who I bitched about then the very next day gained a new one who’s a real gem. Language barrier has been overcome. We’re already making plans and though she’s been in transition longer, she’s super nice about giving advice which is good for a change, I’m sort of used to feeling a bit bullied or condescended to by trans women. The hangover from the toxic masculinity they showed as a mask or a defence mechanism is real. We’re getting dinner on Thursday and probably working together again soon as well. She’s just as excited to meet another super positive and proactive trans woman. We all struggle with shit from time to time, but I’ve mentally been living in my gratitude for all the good things I have recently. Could be the weather, could be the extra oestrogen, could be transition, could be the sobriety, could be the job, could be finally feeling attractive and loving my new body, could be the good food, could very well be the journalling. All these things are supposed to bring happiness. Maybe I should just admit I have big crushes on about six people at the moment and keep daydreaming about them all. woo. time for some vitamin d uptake. I’ll also brave the salvos looking obviously trans cos fuck them.


Wow reddit Melbourne has gone downhill and I never strayed far from the daily thread anyway. So much bullying and typical insensitive garbage from the mouths of people with internet connections. I finally deleted the app from my phone so I can’t read it when I’m out. I can’t imagine twitter dying a slow death will improve it either.

I’m getting into the groove of this new job. Seem to be fine with the low earnings which I’d hoped. I don’t go out, don’t drink or drug and most entertainment I find not good after 30 years of being somewhere or other in the business. I’m sure plenty of things entertain others, but its definitely a cheaper way to live. I don’t need a gym, work is hard and physical. Cats almost always wake me up about 15mins before my alarm would go off. I seem generally happy.


So it’s pretty to sign easy up to volunteer for the yes23 campaign. I did it this morning. I can’t manage much more than handing out how to vote cards, but I’ll probably do a couple more things in the mean time. I think this is a time to step up. Deciding you’re going to vote yes and figuring everyone else around you is “Melbourne Basic Woke 101” is probably not enough. https://www.yes23.com.au/volunteer

The no campaign is based on complete bullshit. Pretty much the cookers and liberal removed who grew up after their covid misinformation campaigns have learned their lessons very well. They know how to make people believe conspiracy theories and are under no obligation to tell the truth.

Our democracy is a bit of a joke, but it’s no laughing matter what colonialism has done in Australia and all over the world. The yes side are doing an ok job, but Albo is a bit of a wet paper bag.


Mainsplaining amirite? I’ve been told regularly to expect to meet sick people in AA. I’m sober, I’m not a fucking desperate loser though. I have everything I need. I’ve achieved some amazing things in my life. I need to work through some issues sure, but I’m in a very good position to do because I worked life my way and set myself up to be in this position. I’m so over the gay men though in AA. Absolute pigs most of them. Then someone questions my misandry and who? A man of course. Sorry guys, we’re feminists because we have to be.

I’m pretty sure I’m leaving this place too pretty soon. Subtle transphobia I’m supposed to police? That’s what the mods are for right? The more we need to deal with transphobia alone, the more it harms us. Reliving traumatic events perpetuates them. Being told (by a man) not to speak my mind, cos hey, it might not be nice and I signed some oath to be all flowers and love. I was basically told by a mod not to stand up for myself, which is 100% my natural response. I understand this is supposed to be a nice fluffy space but we’re all here because we lack some connection and need places to be able share what’s deeper going on as well. It’s just so fucking easy to dismiss female and trans issues because that’s the status quo right guys? We’ve been vilified in the press for many years and it’s getting worse and you expect me to be the person who should point it out to you? Sorry, like I said, my misandry grows. I don’t want it to, but it’s a natural response to being marginalised and diminished by men every damn day.


Super keen to hear Chaka Khan and Chic in concert. But I don’t want to pay. Anyone else keen to sit on a blanket outside the fence and just listen? We could also dance. We’ve all seen bands and light shows and those people are old. They’ll be amazing and it’s the jazz fest so I’m hoping it’s disco with jazz flair. Cos seriously chic although paying a shit ton of my bills over the years are done to death. Chaka Khan on the other hand could sing the fucking phone book and I’d be balling my eyes out at AB.

My apologies for ranting a lot this week. I have had serious doses of both misogyny and misgendering from people who really should be better recently and this place is my journal and vent. Still, I understand we don’t come here just to complain. I don’t want to offend men or sound like a basher, all the guys here are great. So again, I’m sorry if my misandry has made anyone feel isolated or frustrated. Its unfair to paint every man with the same brush and the last thing I should be doing here is creating any kind of tension or division. Because misandry is as bad as misogyny and we all should be looking at ways to reduce both. nuff said I think.

I just passed six months on hrt and did myself up really nice to go to dinner with a new friend last night. She couldn’t make it and I waited 45 minutes for her, drove for an hour between home and fitzroy and back and of course spent two hours prettying myself up for the affair. I still felt absolutely amazing anyway and she really needed to spend time securing a safe place to live. Gender euphoria is reported less than than all the bad stuff and bad press about having a gender incongruence, but it’s a completely beautiful natural high which can last moments or hours. Last night I didn’t want to go to bed as it was one of the times it kept giving. My physique is changing more rapidly now and it’s pretty fucking fun and so rewarding. thx for reading. Yesterday and today are real milestones in my journey.


Everything came up milhouse at the gp today. I’m healthy af, ideal weight, hormone levels are exactly where they should be and my bp and ecg are so bloody normal I feel basic.

If the matlidas win and I have a nice walk along the beach in the sun it’ll be perfect. Wish the game didn’t start at 8pm though, there’s no way I’ll stay up for the whole thing.

What to eat for the game though? I think the usual rice cakes marg and low salt vegemite will do fine. Staying away from processed foods, sugar and booze are obviously doing wonders for me. After the total glum and transphobia of last week, I feel positively fucking on fire. Thanks Milho


haha. My reddit account was permanently suspended for suggesting someone fuck off and die. I guess that could be considered a threat of violence. I was responding to transphobia in my “I can’t be bothered engaging with this incel” way. I don’t care that we’re supposed to be grown up about engaging with the incels and cis het know it alls who dismiss non binary people as being confused or not worthy of respect. It’s fucking reddit and it’s a cess pit. People think us gender non confirming folk are an angry bunch, and we are at times. I make no bones about it. I do positive things every day to make my little community a little better, I’ve earned the right to let off some steam too. Most people just sit around and complain about how shit the world is.

Anyway, do I get an Aussie Zone achievement patch for my jacket? Thanks


r/melbourne has become a current affair in text form.


So, my downvoter is obviously targetting anything I wrote with obvious transgender references. Mods, I can’t report them, but its very obvious. I can’t even block them. It’s deliberate and designed to wear me down. People say, be resilient, but that doesn’t help. People say their allies, but it’s all talk and no real action. .

Also, Nath, Please take the time to read the report into trans hate. https://transjustice.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Fuelling-Hate-Anti-Trans-Abuse-Harassment-and-Vilification-WEB-SINGLES-1-1.pdf

It’s pointless writing no transphobia if you don’t know how to recognise it, where it comes from or what to actually do about it. Blocking and banning people does nothing, people just re-sign up and continue their beligerence in a new name. This is why I’m thinking of leaving and it means the transphobic loser wins. It’s highly likely to be one of the regular posters here too.

There was a show on channel 7 last night again spreading complete lies about trans and gender diverse people and used people’s photos without their consent. This is real and why I’m not in the mood much to report people here. I’ll be writing complaint letters today and helping those who are now suffering because of their parents and such watched this crap and are fielding questions on where to turn for support. I do all this as a volunteer. I have a normal job too. I’m about at my capacity of dealing with the microaggressions and I’d like you to use what powers you have to stop the fucker from downvoting trans content. It seems silly and small, but no one else has been targeted.

Also remember, I now am about to catch public transport to about the only safe job I can find at the moment looking obviously trans the morning after this bullshit aired. It’s not that I’ll think I’ll be targeted, but it’s fucking anxiety inducing. Just remember, I’m not making up straw man arguments to bitch. I could a victim, THIS MORNING.

Sorry kids, have a nice day and enjoy bacon’s breakfast.


Okay, been a little quiet for reasons.


I’ve been waiting for this to go live to get back about how you can help. This is one way. https://transjustice.org.au/

Support the trans justice project. I suggest this as they seem really well organised and this project is happening now.

You could also suggest the company you work for do inclusivity training, Transgender Victoria offer what I understand to the best of this. https://tgv.org.au/training

Of course, there are many organisations you can donate to or volunteer with who support and or advocate for trans, gender diverse, non binary and intersex people. As well as the two above organisations, there is




All of these utilise skills from a huge range of fields so pretty much anything you can do they can use. There are more too, but these are the one’s I can vouch for. Unfortunately queer orgs are low on the list of many government support initiatives so many of these organisations really do need money and or volunteers to continue their work. I volunteer a couple of afternoons a week, the odd Saturday and then a little bit every day for my role. I suggest you support these organisations as working alone can be challenging and they know what they’re doing. Apart from that, keep up the anti-discriminatory language vibe here, it’s a big deal for me personally to feel supported and safe here. Mental health outcomes are poor for a lot of trans people and I have to actively work on mine by only living in safe spaces. We all ultimately have to advocate for ourselves too. Some people have a lot less capacity for that than I do though and this outlet here forms part of that capacity. <3

Thanks Nath, Rusty and the whole DT family. Like, a whole lot!!! <3

EDIT< A single tear just ran down my cheek and under my chin after I posted this. I’m ok!

Oh yeah, see what I mean about the downvotes? ffs.

lmao. it’s all my posts now. wow. someone is reading, well done, you have no idea about the level of persistence I’m capable of.
