Yep. I bought my house did all the paperwork etc, completely stoned to the eyeballs. It was to resist the feeling of growing up. Getting sober and off weed makes me feel more like an adult, struggling to pay bills while trying to affirm my gender hmmm, feels like adulting. Seeing a therapist, hmmmm, undecided on that one. I could have used one as a kid.
Okay, been a little quiet for reasons.
I’ve been waiting for this to go live to get back about how you can help. This is one way. https://transjustice.org.au/
Support the trans justice project. I suggest this as they seem really well organised and this project is happening now.
You could also suggest the company you work for do inclusivity training, Transgender Victoria offer what I understand to the best of this. https://tgv.org.au/training
Of course, there are many organisations you can donate to or volunteer with who support and or advocate for trans, gender diverse, non binary and intersex people. As well as the two above organisations, there is
All of these utilise skills from a huge range of fields so pretty much anything you can do they can use. There are more too, but these are the one’s I can vouch for. Unfortunately queer orgs are low on the list of many government support initiatives so many of these organisations really do need money and or volunteers to continue their work. I volunteer a couple of afternoons a week, the odd Saturday and then a little bit every day for my role. I suggest you support these organisations as working alone can be challenging and they know what they’re doing. Apart from that, keep up the anti-discriminatory language vibe here, it’s a big deal for me personally to feel supported and safe here. Mental health outcomes are poor for a lot of trans people and I have to actively work on mine by only living in safe spaces. We all ultimately have to advocate for ourselves too. Some people have a lot less capacity for that than I do though and this outlet here forms part of that capacity. <3
Thanks Nath, Rusty and the whole DT family. Like, a whole lot!!! <3
EDIT< A single tear just ran down my cheek and under my chin after I posted this. I’m ok!
Oh yeah, see what I mean about the downvotes? ffs.
lmao. it’s all my posts now. wow. someone is reading, well done, you have no idea about the level of persistence I’m capable of.
Honestly you peeps running this are amazing. thanks Nath, you have been more than patient with my drama than I deserve or expected. Thank you so much. edit no rush and as I said to Rusty, I’d just like to know if it is indeed all the same person and if they’re a regular user. If it’s just me paranoid great. Hope it’s not too much of a stress.
Thanks Rusty, I really appreciate your time in writing this response. I’d like to know if it is one person, not who it is and If you can do anything about telling them to stop. It’s been going on since we all first started posting here and you’d be well aware of the lack of downvoting. But, I understand it’s not simple as you’ve pointed out and I’m sure it’s not really worth someone’s time in the grand scheme of admin of this forum. I just wish if all my transition updates were making someone uncomfortable they’d say so. Or if someone was transphobic they’d just go right ahead and say so. I accept that those people exist. I don’t think they’re entitled to an opinion on scientific facts but others see things differently. How I behave here and in the real world are different as well. We all have guidelines here we must adhere to. People questioning their gender and finding it difficult for example may find my generally very positive experiences with it challenging. I’ve encountered that a bit actually. Its easy to rush to the must be a transphobic loser scenario, but I’m across a lot of trans issues as well. Envy is real as well all just want to find some happiness and if others are having it seemingly better is can cause an amount of jealousy.
So look, for now, I’ll bear it. It’s my choice to stay if I choose and you’ve answered my questions, so thanks heaps! Thank heck we have good mods here.
I try and live in the positivity of my transition. Being trolled is bad. People being removed is bad. I avoid the places where removed are allowed to do so. And I know I’m appreciated here, but I have a lot of great things I want to live in and naturally leave shitty situations, for better or worse. Resilience i have in droves, but it’s pointless trying to force shit uphill too.