you’re generalising . I don’t have much national pride, but I have very little interest america either. I enjoy some of your old television shows and some indie music, but nothing I listen to anymore. eastern europe has much more interesting music and plenty of us love lots of aussie music. you’re talking about our boomers. i agree a lot of mainstream aussies are fucking basic though. I’d be denied existence and access to life saving medical care in a lot of states now too so fuck that.
Sorry to harsh your buzz there friend. If you need a change of scenery while you decompress the shitstorm of your old workplace, bar work would be fine. I was in the music business, as a performer for the last 17 years. So I worked in hospo by proxy. I never got my rsa by I dealt with a lot of drunk people and was still treated like a sex object by a lot of bar staff. Bartending is not without it’s pitfalls but an easy job you can probably leave at work in the short term.
I took a cleaning job with a great small business. At some stage I’ll do something else, maybe. This employer is the best I’ve ever had and actually cares about my quality of life and not just making super duper profit. If you’re at the end of your rope, no matter what industry you’re in, it’s probably for the best you do something low pressure for a while. I was a nervous wreck after my last job. Drank way too much etc, kicked up too much fuss and got spat out after incredible loyalty and severe mistreatment. I as anxious as fuck. It takes time to work through that’s for sure. But I quit drinking, am much healthier and have a less bleak outlook despite only scraping by really.