Just a commie interested in city planning and writing. Always asking pesky questions!
Libs thinking freedom literally means dying of exposure in the street. And that being able to say the absolute most bigoted thing on earth is better than guaranteeing food, shelter, education and clothing for all.
The utter state of idealism is a philosophical black hole that devours any possibility of discussion about providing material goods for people to enrich or maintain healthy lives.
I see liberalism as an extension of Platonism and Christianity after that. It’s a continuation of the belief that the ideal world(words/ideas/concepts aka heaven) is objectively logical or pure and gives birth to the material world. That’s where a lot of this idiotic drivel comes from about left-Puritanism. It’s better to hold the “correct” ideal belief(anarchism) than to practice an imperfect/incomplete system that must function in the real world. It’s better to lose and be pure than to win and make mistakes along the way.
It’s also the reason capitalism functions. If we stop pretending money isn’t made up and that the bourgeois can’t actually work 300x or even 2x more or better than their employees, or that landlords don’t actually do anything, or that infinite growth of wealth is nonsense then it all logically comes crashing down. The only way to maintain the liberal status quo is by denying the material world and it’s constraints.