I am sorry you feel like this. I have been through a lot, so I know the feeling of wanting to give up very well. All I can say is that I am really glad I never actually completely gave up. Giving up will not make you feel better.
I am not sure whether you are angry, you sound angry. So, do what you have to do to deal with this feeling. Screaming in my car and punching a pillow works for me. And then think about why things are not working the way you want it and try something new.
I guess OP has never heard of eating disorders.
Van der Plas komt juist op mij over alsof haar ego enorm op de voorgrond staat eerlijk gezegd. Hoeveel andere BBB politici kent de gemiddelde Nederlander?
Save your sister, she is not okay. You are not an inferior person, there is nothing inherently wrong with you. You are not responsible for everything. Your boundaries matter. Your feelings matter. You will be okay.
Ik snap de grap niet
Ik ben wel echt blij dat hij niet bij de BBB is gegaan. Dat had wat mij betreft wel echt zijn geloofwaardigheid verpest. Maargoed, die geruchten leken me vooral ook een stunt van de BBB geweest om het gevoel te geven dat de partij van Omzigt dicht bij die van hen staat.
Ik ben benieuwd naar zijn standpunten, maar verwacht dat die niet superdicht bij de mijne liggen, gezien zijn achtergrond bij het CDA. Ik heb heel erg veel vertrouwen in de integriteit van de man op dit moment. Maar ik ben nog niet overtuigd van zijn vermogen om ineens zo’n grote partij op te zetten en te leiden. Ik ben wel benieuwd hoe hij het gaat doen.
Sad and empty. I love kids. I had fertility treatments for years, but that did not work out. I will start IVF again in a couple of days. Hopefully it will work this time. It is one of my last chances.
I would like to adopt or have foster kids. However, I suffer from PTSD and in my country it is very difficult to adopt or foster if you have a background with mental illness. Even though my psychologist and the people in my environment all say that they think I would be able to do it and my partner does not have any mental illness, my chances are very low.
To be honest, looking any further than the next IVF makes me panic. I do not know how to live with not having kids and how to deal with that. I had a lot of bad stuff happen to me. Having children would be something I believe would have made me very happy. It feels like I failed at life. However, I just turned 40, so I know I need to give up at some point.
Tja, dat is niet hoe je mensen de auto uit krijgt.
1 is een pollepel en 2 is een soeplepel.