I’m curious how that’s going to work in international context. Everything to do with the queer community suddenly has a link to .ca or .mx domain and server park outside the country where this doesn’t apply for example. Or reddit suddenly checks with the authorities in Zimbabwe if the ID is valid.
And then everybody slaps a “Only for 18+, fill in your birth day” on their site and nobody can legally claim it’s harming children.
We have curse stacking so it forms one big word. Godverdommemiljaardenondju. It’s an ugly mix of dialect, French and Dutch, meaning something like “curse you a billion times in the name of God”. And if it’s only a mild inconvenience we only use a small part, like “dju” or “miljaar.”
It’s a classic cycle. Because some have gay leanings they see everything homosexual as a sinful temptation and assume it’s the same for everyone else. The people must be protected against that perceived temptation so it must be forbidden. Meanwhile they fight against their own nature and succumb sometimes, which makes them repeat the cycle.
YYYY-MM-DD for everything. My PC clock, my phone and even my handwritten notes all use that format.
The only other acceptable format is military notation: DD MMM YYYY.
NPC Man feels your pain:
Gif, the jift that keeps on jivving.
It’s not much better in the rest of the West too. Turns out that building a society where money and career determines your social status and doing unpaid work like taking care of a family and raising children is not valued at all and even very expensive makes people choose to have less or no children.
People of course do want children, but those that do very often will choose one or two children, below replacement rate.