Sonnenvogel [he/him]
Borics vote share in the election and the overall votes in the leftist primary are almost exactly the same (1,8 million vs 1,7) so evidently Boric just didnt connect at all to greater society (outside of the already self identified and active leftist people). There are a lot if important factors like higher age, lower education status and “rurality” which Boric failed to capture. Its probably just bceause Borics issue and campaign didnt connect with the issues of the people, obviously the media played their part in this, but people just care about a return to normalcy and stability, end to the migrant crisis, crime, inflation, jobs etc. and Boric basically has nothing to offer here
Yeah its not about the sheer amount of votes boric got but from where: Parisi and kast completely dominated the Far North, which is supposed to be and has until recently always been the bastion of the left and the working class, and its not looking good in the south either. Boric only being able to win in Santiago and the big cities is devastating
Yes you are correct but I whish I could be that optimistic. The Karina oliva scandal was the final thing that killed my expectations(a important leftists politician misappropriated campaign funds to pay her campaign managers and party friends very large sums of money). That being said i still have serious doubt that there is a majority in Chile that would ever vote for a guy like Kast, but he has a serious shot at coming in first tomorrow (Kast has some serious trump-like populist momentum behind him with some things like inflation, immigration and a general wish for “order and stability”)
I dont really care anymore, on these issues (and like nicaragua, cuba etc.) he just has to say this, otherwise hes gonna be eviscerated by the media immediately. Artes and Boric are just in very different positions. There are other issues were Boric can still disappoint tho, but i really dont want him to sink his campaign over these issues.
The best part of the debate was: “Lets say you are President and there are mass protests and barricades blocking the main traffic of Santiago. What would you do?”
Boric: “we will secure public order and enforce the laws” :angery: :wojak-nooo:
Artes: “if there are mass protests i will lead them” :gigachad:
JA Kast be like. “We will build a great, great ditch on our northern Border and the flora and fauna will pay for it”
There are tons of Haitian and Venezuelan (illegal)immigrants/refugees in Chile (about a million arrived in the last 10 years which is about 5% of Chiles total population). Most of them live in completely precarious and horrendous conditions (no housing or shacks, no healthcare, uncertain legal status etc.) and are either unemployed or work the most terrible jobs on the planet(like gig economy stuff and so on).
Also the Northern border area is very inhospitable and for those few towns/cities(which are already pretty poor) on the migrant routes(most migrants want to go all the way to Santiago where most of the opportunities are) this influx of people is actually a massive problem. Recently in one of these northern cities (Iquique) there was a major far-right/fascist rally against migrants which ended in them threatening migrants and burning the few possessions of the migrants there . Truly horrific Scenes.
Of course all this crisis is because of the complete failure of the government & state (which failed to legalize immigration statuses, provide jobs, housing, healthcare etc.). But of course the Far-Right is the one that is able to profit the most from this crisis because of their anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric.
There are some people that are really passionate about it, which doesn’t include me personally but i still support the withdrawal. Because ever since the pandemic began, people are short-strapped for cash and people hate the private pension funds. But of course the crux of the issue is that then people wont have that money later on as pensioners. The right-wing also says it will destabilize and weaken capital markets and lead to a recession. But what is much more realistic is that a recession will take place if people dont withdraw money forcing them to spend much less (or go bankrupt). The leftist solution is obliviously to create a new pension system and a redistributive tax on the ultra-rich (to offset the withdrawals for most people). I dont really know any leftist that really fundamentally disagree with it though, who or what did you read if you remember?
They had me for a second ngl. i didnt see the video at first tho. But Yasna kinda has to pull some shit if she wants to save her campaign after Goic torpedoed the pension fund withdrawal in the senate.