Cancel culture is just changing the channel when there’s someone on your TV screen that you don’t like.
You want go clockwork orange and strap people down, tape their eyes open and force them to watch the things you want them to watch? Because that would ensure the freedom of the people on TV to say whatever they want, right? The freedom of Hollywood assholes are more important that our freedom to change the channel, amirite?
Just keep dropping this link on the hexbears whenever you can:
They’re either clueless teenagers that only know the things they’ve learned from TikTok or working for whatever the Chinese equivalent of glavset is. Either way, they tend to make themselves scarce when that link is dropped on them.
Not Langley! That’s where I live! LOL
A little secret, don’t tell anyone… I’m a member of NAFO because I bought some stickers from their website. Everything else you got going on is just paranoid delusions that you came to by reading too much glavset propaganda on the internet.
Yeah I get like 50 responses to my comments everyday… been reported as a bot multiple times. Given their tactics, my suspicion is the hexbear is a 50 cent army hive, but haven’t confirmed this yet. Could be just kids that spent too much time on TikTok that don’t know how terrible the PRC is. Or a mix of both. But likely just 50 cent army.
But meh, if it’s wasting more of their time than mine, we’re winning.
The problem with “both sides” arguments is you tacitly admitting your side is wrong when you do that.
Yeah sure the US shouldn’t have done those things in the past. But these are past grievances, which is the cornerstone of fascist thinking. “Our present day horrible actions are justified because of the horrible things others have done in the past!”
Whatever US and any other NATO members did wrong in the past doesn’t make what Russia is doing today right.
Also, why should Ukrainians suffer so that Russia can expand their empire?
I have no doubt about the ability of fascists to go on and on about past grievances. But what grievance do you have with Ukraine specifically?
Ren Zhengfei, the CEO of Huawei, has had people arrested and thrown into a dungeon. Billionaires here don’t have that level of power.
You keep imagining yourself as some communist revolutionary, but you’re just another useful idiot that’s been fooled by fascist propaganda.
You should know that fascists are liars and will even label themselves as “communist” if it furthers their goals of acquiring power.
After the ruling party of China did the Tiananmen Square massacre ( and got away with it, they shifted to being fascist thugs whose only goal was to maintain and expand their power.
If you’re gonna support fascist thugs, at least be honest about who they are. You look really silly otherwise.
Sure more past grievances from fascist hexbear. Yeah yeah the British were horrible colonizers. I can say that where I live.
But how about we discuss how you feel about the Tiananmen Square massacre. But of course you can’t because you’re afraid of the repercussions of discussing it even today, don’t you?
The people of Ukraine got tired of being a Russian puppet state and removed Putin’s crony. The instant they did that Russia started taking territory from Ukraine.
You’re weird little narrative only works if you believe that Ukrainians don’t have a right to self determination and believe they shouldn’t have sovereignty over their land. This is simply Russian neocolonialism, Russian imperialism, and Russian Fascism.