
Yes, sleep mask for the win. I recommend the kind that is just a wide soft bit of cloth that wraps around your head. Like this. The ones with elastic straps or eye cups, gel, foam, whatever, have not been nearly as comfortable IMHO. I just want a pillowcase for my face.
I’ve also recently started wearing earplugs since my wife is up before me and the kitchen sounds always cause me to stir well before my alarm.
I think it’s generally a good idea to respond to folks as if they were a friend or family member. And, if you need to pull the ripcord and get out of a conversation that’s terribly frustrating, it means a lot to say something to the effect of “Thanks for the chat, but let’s agree to disagree before we devolve into pure name calling.”
Or something. I think it benefits the whole community to have a record of people disengaging when the conversation isn’t productive. Doesn’t matter why. Doesn’t matter if you think the other person is clearly, obviously being an asshole. Politely disengage and try to stop thinking about it (if thinking about it is unproductive and stressing you out.)
You’re probably right, but ultimately I think the vast amount of niche content around so many different hobbies is the most valuable thing, even if it comes with a bit of… human toxicity.
Sadly, I just can’t imagine how you get the former while really effectively suppressing the latter.