I can confirm that the cat is indeed not a number!
Block ads; problem solved.
Are you emitting in a function that gets called. If you are not sure, put a breakpoint in that line and see if you stop there. Also check to see if you connect first before emitting. One more thing, you don’t need to make a callable, you can just use the function as it is a first class member of the class now, eg:
Be sure not to leave in any brackets added after the function that autocomplete likes to add.
I believe there is a property on the signal to see the connections. From what you just said, it is possible that you are emitting before the connection is made. You can verify this using a couple print statements. If this is correct, the solution would be to either move the emission later or move the connection earlier (_init happens before _ready). Depending on what these functions are doing, feel free to pick whatever solution works best for you.
My guess is spirit guardians. With the 3 attackers coming over, it would be a shame if they had to take damage to get close enough to attack.
Oh no! Anyway…
You already have a plethora of great suggestions for improvements to make, so I won’t leave any more, but rather offer some advice. It can be daunting to go all in and sacrifice the conveniences you currently enjoy. This is why I recommend you change your behaviour and software in a piecemeal fashion. Change only a few (or even one) things at a time and get used to it. Once you are comfortable with where you are at, then introduce more improvements. This approach will help prevent you from getting overloaded or burnt out, resulting in you going back and compromising your privacy. Good luck!
I set mpv as the root window which worked well. I stopped using it a while back, but if you are interested, I could dig up the simple script for you (literally one or two lines iirc).