TheKanzler [she/her]
Accusations that the NKVD killed a bunch of Ukrainians and Poles for absolutely no reason other than “Stalin was evilly twirling his moustache”
Sources cited:
- Nazi Germany
- An “independent international commission” made up entirely of “experts” from Nazi-occupied Europe which were handpicked by the Nazi government, and agreed fully with initial Nazi “findings”
- A bunch of other random sources citing the “independent commission”
Note how the Katyn Commission article goes out of its way to avoid the word “Nazi,” only saying “Germany” and “Reich”
The issue is that in the US it’s gotten to the point where being too close to a cop is “confrontation,” and protestors in the US keep ceding more ground each time. You’re going to end up in a situation where any form of civil disobedience is considered “too confrontational”
What an incredible way to miss the point of the post. The post about how in capitalist society, corrupt practices in private entities are not called out, and are even sometimes praised as “smart”
And here you are, going “well, nobody expects corporations not to be corrupt, so they don’t have to be called out for that, this is perfectly normal”