
TotalBrownout [none/use name]

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Someone who is drawn to the idea of leftism, but cant really see past the context of domestic US politics… communist imagery grafted onto LBJ, Carter and Bernie Sanders like a fancy hood ornament on a shitty car… no token of solidarity with oppressed people in other parts of the world that I noticed.


Eating, living indoors, and making it to the bathroom on time.


Because we live in a sick society that has normalized violence up to/including social murder (the US “healthcare” system.) Corporal punishment is highly correlated to socioeconomic status.


There’s been a legitimacy crisis for a long time, but now white people are being affected, so it’s “new.”


21% of US adults (over 43 million people) are illiterate/functionally illiterate.


Sigur Ros, Mogwai, Boards of Canada


IBEW member here… the union has what’s known as the referral system, where any member may sign a work book and then put a bid in on any available job. The system works though an app where you get to see a list of all currently unfilled openings and see information like jobsite location, employer, hours of work, duration etc. and then you put in a bid for whatever job looks best for you and if you are the highest person on the book, you are dispatched to that job. If you don’t like your boss, go sign the books, get a new job, and that’s it. No notice, no interviews, no references, your benefits are through the union also so your employer literally has no leverage over you… it feels right.

Here’s the current package. The wage column is the “on the check” wage before taxes, after benefits.


IMO, the crux of this particular struggle session is the proposition that “speciesism” is a prejudice analogous to racism, sexism, etc. and is thus not morally defensible. The ethical underpinning for this assertion is the “equal consideration of like interests.” Vegans believe that the interests of humans are exactly alike the interests of non-human animals. If you believe that the interests of humans are not identical to the interests of non-human animals, that humans posses a quality that non-human animals do not (personhood), you are not a vegan. If you believe that human animals deserve “special consideration” owing solely to the fact that they are human persons, you may believe that it’s OK for someone who is differently-abled to use a service animal. This does not violate the ethical principle of “equal consideration of like interests” because you believe that the interests of humans and non-human animals are not entirely alike. In this scenario, you (based off of your own moral intuition about personhood) could rightfully view a vegan opposed to the use of service animals as ableist. In a similar way, you would see no ethical dilemma presented by the scenario of choosing to save a human versus a non-human animal from a burning building… the human person is given special consideration. The standard vegan viewpoint to the above scenarios is that any belief in personhood is speciesism, a mere prejudice, and is not morally defensible. They simply deny what the “speciesist” insists upon, which is not an argument. I believe that they are acting from their own moral intuition, which they have a right to, but the problem with this line of thinking for me is that it presupposes a prejudice. Prejudice has to be revealed/approached as a diagnosis of exclusion.
