Veraeraera [they/them,she/her]
Offer me the make my dick disappear part but without the innuendo and we have a deal.
The chief medical officer of the Department of Indian Affairs reported in 1907 a 40-60% mortality rate in these schools at that time. Source: Dr. Bryce Report 1907, Medical Inspector, Department of Indian Affairs
The vast majority of these deaths were from tuberculosis which just had free reign in these facilities with few attempts to do anything about it. They didn’t maintain those rates for the duration of the system but it’s sickening it even got anywhere close to that.
The US General Accounting Office did a study on this in 1978. (Excessive Truck Weight: An Expensive Burden We Can No Longer Support CED-79-94)
They determined that a fully loaded 80,000 pound 18 wheeler did 160,000 times more damage than a 4,000 pound car (which already is a oversize piece of shit).
The vice president has only two forms of hard power, they are the tiebreaker for the senate and are first in line to replace the president.
Other than that they have plenty of soft power through their position but unless the president is on their deathbed they aren’t even in contention for second most powerful person in the US.