I played a lot of Elden Ring with a steam deck plugged into a cheap TV. I wouldn’t want to play anything competitively on one, and I wouldn’t want to play FPS on it like that, but overall it wasn’t bad.
Get the lowest model with a microSD card and go to town for a few hundred bucks. If it’s ever not enough it’s pretty simple to break one open and replace the drive with a 1TB drive. I have dozens of games installed across microSD cards and shaders filled my drive. Took me about 20 minutes to replace it. Would take someone with no knowledge probably an hour.
Do you mean greatest as in most grievous or greatest as in most awesome?
The Burning. I want to call it a Friday 13th part 2 rip-off but they came out the same year so that’s not terribly likely I suppose. So maybe a bad Halloween homage that takes place at summer camp.
I was an insufferable ass. I was too cool for everything. I was counter-culture, but that got too cool so I became counter-counter-culture. When that was too cool I basically just booked myself down to one niche interest.
I missed out on so much actually cool shit because I was so insufferable.