

Take a topic that you know. Something related to your field of work, or your special interest, whatever. Now watch a news video about that topic and notice how laughably wrong they get even basic details. Most people can relate to how wrong the media gets on a topic they’re intimately familiar with but then also think they get topics right when talking about other things like world affairs.
Europe is always ready to save white people
You make that sound like its racist for European countries wanting to help out a European neighbor. It isn’t.
leaving for 5-10% anti-hatred people
Does someone being from the USA or Europe automatically make them anti-Russia? Does someone not being from USA or Europe automatically make them pro-Russia?
Isn’t assuming either of these things prejudiced (and dare I say perhaps even racist) against both Americans and Europeans?
More than 87 shots and the guy is still alive. If that doesn’t prove that the vaccine is safe, I don’t know what would convince these delusional fucks.