It’s kind of ironic that changing the battery of cell phones were so easy back then and so hard now and finding a battery saw/grinder/any-electric-tool was so hard then and so easy now.
I have an idea: if a game needs internet connection and the servers are shut down the developer has too release all the info on the protocol of the server. That way an open source version of the server can be created and the games can work again.
I hope this can be escalated to have tons of “lab” meat.
Proton should look who was asking the disclosure. He’s a known far-right judge that opens cases like beer cans. And the “terrorist” group is marked as such because someone had a heart attack the same day there were protests in Catalonia.
It only took 5 years to the Spanish government to fulfill that promise🤬
So the CIA has needed “only” 6 months to get the info.