coatimundi [none/use name]
Hey, did EmRata do something in particular to piss this website off or is it just that thing I’ve noticed where people reflexively try to find reasons to make fun of pictures of random people that get posted here? No offense intended, I just really can’t tell.
The official theme of the page is still Bernie being bad, so people who don’t want to talk about that would go somewhere else.
Unpopular opinion: if you want to spend time on the parts of the internet that are about politics, the most useful thing you can do there is either debate politics or look at politics being debated. It’s definitely better than wasting time looking at memes and spamming the “please Xi, nuke us” emoji at everything. Sue me.
I wouldn’t.
Probably not many people want to settle there because it’s very poor even by Mexican standards.
This ethnic group consists of circa 100 people, just so you guys know. Having had 4 cases means about 4% of their population had COVID.
Would you say that if I read Mao, it would disabuse me of the notion I have that China has a traditionally Marxist idea of development where advancing society to the next stage of development at the expense of the institutions of the earlier stage of development is seen as a goal?
How exacting does a culture have to be, if it can’t survive thousands, perhaps millions of people changing their lifestyle,
People living in premodern conditions typically consider “the lifestyle” and the institutions that surround it to be an integral part of the culture. Leftist types often follow this line because they consider those people’s experiences to be the most legitimate.
Or just build the city over the hill and leave the door unlocked for them idk
Do you think that is possible?