
copgutz [she/her]
I haven’t updated my wardrobe in a while, but I’ll gladly help you improve yours. There is a thread I commented on not too long ago with some clothing preservation and sewing tips that you may find useful as well. If you’re able, try a lot of things on. Include items that you’d normally not be drawn to in the selection of things to try. If you hate it, no one but you sees you wearing it and you can think about what aspects of the garment you dislike. If you’re lukewarm, take some selfies and think on it or text a friend to get their opinion. Figure out not just what colors you like to wear, but what is flattering for you, or at least work on some good color coordination. Men are usually more hesitant to experiment with colors, so if this applies, try adding more pieces with color into your collection. (Sometimes laundry day will necessitate more innovative pairings.) Sometimes I’ll consider the silhouette I’m after and build from there, but again feminine fashion seems to have more options. I’ve long since succumbed to the battle against cat hair, but simple things like a lint roller, storing clothing properly, and ironing can make an outfit look much more put together. If you have more money and time to really improve your best pieces, you pay to have them altered/fitted by a tailor. I hope this is helpful. If you’ve got more specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer those.
Martin Short and his character, Jiminy Glick.
You look ready for the hootenanny.
This job still exists, just have to find a quality bakery in a city that supplies to local restaurants.
Lusty Argonian Maid?