Oh I thought this was confirmed trump lore already?
In any event, Trump never intended to win the election. His plan, epic crybaby that he is, was to lose and make money on a media tour afterwards complaining about Hillary stealing the election from him. Of course he managed to screw that up too, and accidentally became president.
Trump’s had to make a few variations on the “big steal” theme since then, but overall that part of his agenda is going somewhat according to plan after 2020. Except now he got himself in hot water committing felonies while in office, so he thinks he has to win in ‘24 in order for those to go away. Will be interesting to see how this whole debacle concludes - running against a former DA isn’t a promising development for ol trumpty dumpty.
I think a major contributing factor to this is American reliance on employers for healthcare. It’s a lot easier to quit and seek better working conditions elsewhere if you know major medical expenses won’t ruin you in the interim - this is about 10x as true in America due to the corruption and resulting additional costs endemic to the system.
If America manages to somehow implement single payer, I believe the potency of this ideological weapon would diminish drastically.
Precisely - same/similar percentage of crimes committed across the race of people, but 4x the incarceration rate of blacks compared to whites because police target them.
In terms of raw number of crimes, whites commit far greater numbers (because there are more white people in the population). If the system were fair and just, you’d see that reflected in the incarceration rate. Since it’s far biased to the opposite, this instead confirms institutionalized racism is alive and well in America.
This is unironically how China will win. Renewable energy sources, mass availability of affordable housing, and other of these types of forward-thinking, sustainable investments will usher in a new golden era for them. It’s arguably already arrived.
I love and hate this. Bravo.
Grats RION =] don’t let the nerves get to ya too badly, it’ll feel better after you start things off with the new crew on Monday. Happy for you!
The gaslighting will intensify until workers’ disposition improves!
Kamala in the first debate absolutely embarrassed Biden, so bad that he still hasn’t forgiven her for it. Subsequent debates she seemed different, and was nowhere near as compelling.
I’m really hoping to see more of Kamala from the first debate in this election cycle. So far it’s looking pretty good.