Anyone got a link to the paper? I kinda want to read it
I love how we’ve had a meme for years across multiple platforms but this is the one that “@blakebowfires” felt was appropriate to smear his shitty tag across the meme.
What if I just want my phone’s text messaging app to only do text messages? What if I don’t want fluff features like voice messages that I didn’t ask for? Is there a simple vanilla text messaging app to take over texts on my phone since Google feels the need to add extra weight to Messages, an otherwise simple feature that all cell phones share?
And just like that I gave up on casting and shifted back to a dedicated streaming PC like it’s 2010. I changed the way I consumed my media for you, Google, and your thanks in return was betraying us by retiring the equipment that we came to rely on left and right. I’m still pissed about Chromecast audio.
God I’m tired of this shit.
“Obviously, the reintroduction of conscription is an extremely disturbing prospect given America’s propensity for getting involved in meaningless wars that accomplish nothing other than empowering our enemies, killing and maiming our soldiers, and wasting vast resources.”
Sure sounds like shitty propaganda to me but what do I know?
I hope the bots are helping with that ad revenue you were so concerned about milking from the user base with your shitty app. Was it worth it, dumbass?
The orb is nothing, the orb is all things.
I know modern scientific processes require blind studies to prove effectiveness of a new drug but imagine being in a grave spot and you’re given access to a potential life saving treatment, you get some hope back that you might pull through but you end up being one of the placebo recipients. Damn.
obs-cli -> obs-cmd :)