After Rishi’s head rolls because of the election result. I guess.
Idk if they really like the taste of mice, as much as they like how mice jiggle and run.
Cat would chase a mouse, but eagerly slurp down a bowl or rot-stench gravy meat.
Atlas shrugged. He really didn’t know how much his truck could hold, but he was damned if was going to make two trips.
I used to live in an apartment complex that was circular, and had a courtyard in the middle of the circle. The mandatory renter’s maintenance payments contributed towards a man with a leaf blower visiting weekly, around this time of year. They’d spend at least an hour each time, blowing what few leaves were there, with all the noise being amplified by an impromptu soundhole. Idiot boys with their idiot toys.
First HSBC, now Linehan. Ayoade really knows which causes to put his name to.
Unfortunately, I agree. The tipping point for me was the humour. I don’t like it and I don’t want it. It’s funny how I could be tolerant of cliche in many other types of entertainment, but cliche comedy very quickly turns me off.
That and the resurrection of ancient characters. It’s fan service (I learned this term watching reviews of SNW/picard and learned to hate it) and adds very little to the show. I’m much less interested in the interpersonal dramas, I want to see more (any) space communism and aspirational utopia progaganda.
“Whenever we kissed, it just always felt like something was missing”.
I got sole. And I’m super-bad.
Humour is an odd form of entertainment, isn’t it. As a comparison; I don’t find Coldplay stimulating, but I also don’t find the existence of Coldplay stimulating.