

I think you can have a well tended garden without giving up creativity.
You’re not sacrificing creativity by practicing structures, considerations, and methodologies that maintain or improve the developer experience with whatever creative endeavor you’re on.
The structure of your garden doesn’t prevent you from playing around with new plants, it just outlines a set of patterns and expectations known to drive better outcomes.
I’m not saying that your extension of the analogy is bad I’m just disagreeing with some of the premise.
If it helps, I’ve been a visual studio user for the last 9 years.
In order to better support non-C# devs onboarding to C# (who where mostly on Mac, and vs for Mac is terrible) I switched to Rider 6 months ago, so we are using the same IDE and I can help them out.
Holy crap, it’s good. There are a few things that aren’t quite as nice (no more intellicode, stack traces are kinda shitty), but after fixing some garbage default settings, it’s turned into a pretty good IDE.
The visual studio debugger is still better though.