ejra212 [he/him/his]
Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I’m generally friendly, but if you’re a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don’t like it? Then fuck off. I’ve got problems in life, okay? Can’t deal with faSSciSStSS.
I am not surprised that he likes 1984, giving the fact that it was written by a KKKunting SSeKKKSS offender, but how the fuck can anyone like that fucking blue MAGA, imperialiSSt supporting, KKKumSSKKKin paedophile, even though those disgusting (sorry, I have no stronger words) pictures were exposed? Jesus, I would love to put him and all offending nonSSeSS like him in the brazen bull.
Don’t remind me how bad it is here in TERF Island. And it’s so bad because those parties are more right wing, but different colours. Death to the UKKK.
Kaleigh MacKay, 39, lives in Vancouver, but is planning to move to Europe so she can afford her own place to live.
Well, she should be careful because Europe isn’t better either for rent. Plus, the story about the woman who pays 100% of her income on rent is frankly disgusting, and frankly, makes me wish that Chairman Mao should’ve killed 100 million more landlordSS. Death to landlordiSSm, and death to KKKanada.
And to think this is the same country that lectures others on human rights, when that same “nation” won’t protect homeless people’s rights. Death to AmeriKKKa. AmeriKKKa delenda est.