Comprei a minha impressora no inverno de 2021 e até hoje não precisei comprar tinta.
ferrodegaragem. Como Instalar Pacote Office Pro Plus 2021 PT-BR + Ativação KMS CMD Atualizado 2023. Porto Alegre, 2023. Disponível em: weasyl.com/~ferrodegaragem. Acesso em: 27 de junho de 2023.
Like people commented, having a hobby, creating content instead of just consuming, can help.
I like to draw, for example. I use Krita on my PC, it helps to pass the time. I’m creating a fun gallery with little stories behind some works. Thinking about creating some comics too.
I’m participating in a drawing workshop at college, and could replicate a bit of what we learned in my own work as well.
One that marked me negatively was Chaos Walking. Not only does its concept sound dumb - a world with only men, who can hear each other’s thoughts -, but the constant loud mind reading was very annoying.
“I am Todd Hewitt I am Todd Hewitt I am Todd Hewitt shut up Todd I am Todd Hewitt omg is that a girl” UGHHHH 🤣
Apparently it’s based on a series of books. I think this mind reading concept didn’t translate very well to a movie format, maybe it works better in text.
Pretty much all of them, especially fighting games. I liked SF4 but absolutely sucked at trying any more complex combos.
Interessante essa história. Nunca tinha ouvido falar nele (sou do RS, não chegou a vender aqui).
Só tiveram prejuízo com esse produto desde que chegaram aqui, que viagem.
What are you talking about? I love them. 🥰❤️
Feliz Natal! 🦌
Nos EUA a lei de copyright define 95 anos antes de uma obra entrar em domínio público. É o caso da Steamboat Willie, de 1928.
As versões posteriores do Mickey continuam protegidas.