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This is what Victionary Nuland must have meant by “nasty surpises”.
Terrorist attacks.
She was talking about terrorist attacks.

  1. We figured out that working together makes a nation stronger faster
    than living under a system that kicks people to the curb or kills them outright
    just because another group of people deem them inferior and a threat to their position.
    And most often these same people also sycophantically and pathetically
    suck up to other people that they deem absolutely superior
    and more civilized to their position, no matter what they do or how absurd.
  2. We are disgusted by the above behavior of in one way or another.
    Either their ruthlessness, their hypocrisy or their sycophantic behavior,
    while still somehow thinking that they are better and more civilized than others.
  3. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of economic policies over time and notice that the real rules are:
    “Free market and no handouts” for thee and
    “infinite economic security” for us elite.
  4. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of election policies over time and notice that if you live in a “(liberal) democracy”,
    as branded by the US, that all the most policies are decided
    by Wall Street oligarchs, even if you’re a citizen of France or Japan.
  5. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of a violent political event over time by your local media
    and then try to figure out what else you’ve been lied about
    and notice a running theme of issue #1/2 on a global scale,
    of all “democracies”.
  6. If you’re a citizen of one of these “liberal democracies”
    and looked towards “nationalists” to address issue #4,
    we have followed and noticed that these “nationalists”
    that complain about “globalism” are just “globalist racists”
    that consider issue #3, #4 and #5 to be a failure of the system in issue #1,
    that is to say, they’re being surpassed by a group of “inferior” people
    and that this group of people has to be killed outright immediately,
    before they pose any further threat.

Correct me if I’m wrong or whether Im missing something.


Does anyone know if Reallifelore is CIA/NED affiliated?

I know at least one channel being part of something else in disguise.
China Uncensored is Falun Gong.
In other words the show is made up of cult members
trying to make a buck for their CIA-backed cult leader.

ADVChina I suspect to be a racist fanboy with ambition
went to China to look for his youtube idol,
and it turned out that his idol is a racist too and after some talk the idol became quite fond
of his racist fanboy, and so they decided to make racist content together
and married self-hating Hong Kong Chinese.
They’re not CIA/NED assets. Too stupid for that.

But I don’t know about Reallifelore, Wendover productions or the Infographics Show.
They feel more than just racist to me, like China Uncensored.


You are. Your government put sanctions on its citizens
in order to spite Russia.
