Was raised in an age where where you needed firewalls, antiviruses, spam blocks and ad blocks, Ect to surf the web safety.
Now companies are doing everything they can to make sure you disable all it to have the privilege of using their website.
It’s like when I see people compare being called a Boomer the same as the N word.
Or comparing slavery and segregation to something else they want to justify. I’m like da fuq?..
I need the definition of pirating since it always means something different to someone else.
If I stream movies and shows using my friends library am I pirating? What if I download a show from my friends library for later viewing for personal use, then delete it a week later since I don’t need it? Let’s assume my friends library was all purchased legitimatly.
When they say car prices are unsustainable do y’all think they mean the manufacturer website one? (Website is pretty reasonable )
The one that when I step into a dealership they add $15000 for the “privilege” of me buying the car from them?
From the dealership mindset I must be batshit crazy for not buying a car from them.