gyzosnebi321 [none/use name]
Look, I understand that many of you want a savior out there that might be able to salvage the world from American-led capitalist ruins, but the Chinese state definitely ain’t it. I totally sympathize with you. I wish things were different. As hard as it may be to accept, however, the Chinese state is a *capitalist * state of a particular form. It is deeply tied, along with the United States, in the continued functioning of the capitalist world-system. The current standoff is only a contest between who will become more hegemonic within the world-system. The two countries are very much symbiotic. Xi Jinping’s daughter went to Harvard; Betsy Devos’s brother is involved in logistics and security operations in Xinjiang; Mitch McConnell and the Bidens are both deeply financially implicated in Chinese state owned enterprises.
This doesn’t mean that the Chinese state doesn’t attend to the “well-being” of its citizens, or “alleviating poverty” (however dubiously defined) for biopolitical reasons. They do this better than the United States in many aspects, to be sure. But so do Scandinavian welfare states, and many, many others too. Is anyone here against eventually overthrowing these other states? Lol. Once again, i totally understand why folks out here romanticize China, especially with the insane volume of propaganda pumped from Western mainstream media and government outlets.
But it’s obscenely insulting to our comrades who are fighting against Chinese capitalist class domination, including young Marxist students, who are getting arrested for trying to organize factory workers. It’s insulting to the hundreds of millions of migrant workers who are forced to eke out a bare living, and to whom the recent economic “recovery” means absolutely nothing. You folks most likely have never seen the skyscrapers carved out of the rural landscape, dispossessed from farmers, furnished by speculation from the new Chinese bourgeoisie, who are buying 2nd and 3rd homes. You folks probably haven’t seen the pollution, the pillage of our ecological commons, and fellow living beings, in many cases worse than the US. You haven’t seen the smog poisoning the lungs of workers and the unhoused who are forced to breathe it in all day, while the Chinese bourgeoisie lounge in their filtered high-rises. You haven’t seen the rivers, lakes, and streams swollen with trash, filled with pesticides and herbicides, coated with oil films, poisoning the bodies of peasant farmers and wiping out ancient giants like the Yangze dolphin, the paddlefish, the Chinese sturgeon, and many more.
Please, look beyond the shiny lights and gleaming bullet trains, into the masses occupying the Chinese undercommons. The class struggle is global, ongoing, everywhere.
I’m tired and wired as fuck, and I can’t get too in depth into this in a single post, and I’m guessing nobody’s gonna read this, so I’ll just leave off with this article on urbanization through dispossession in China:
as well as a link to a wonderful Chinese Marxist collective, Chuangcn, who can explain things better.