I just use 7zip to make .zip if I think the person I’m sending it to won’t know what a .7z is or how to unzip it.
My enjoyment of games didn’t die, but my tastes in genre changes. Online FPS just isn’t for me anymore, I now prefer slower single-player story games
Yes, a LOT of people. There’s countless videos on YouTube, especially since the Steam Deck’s release.
Honda and Toyota last forever. Incredibly reliable cars.
I think a Steam Deck is a better buy. It’s a little more pricy sure, but a lot more powerful and a LOT more games to pick from. And it docks great, I mostly play docked to my TV
Past two phones I’ve had (Galaxy Z fold 3 and OnePlus 7 Pro) I’ve had the option for gestures or buttons.
I always pick gestures, I get more screen real estate and the gestures feel good and intuitive.
If you don’t like them, change it, that’s the benefit of Android, you can do what you want.
I gave up on all radio years ago when streaming music on phones became big. If I want something more talkative then I’ll stream a podcast.
Yes, I’m from the UK so pretty much everyone here can even if they own an automatic. It’s not seen as a big deal here, it’s just normal.
I prefer manuals, I won’t be buying an automatic until my leg falls off.
If electric cars follow this path and aren’t replaced with something else like enviro-friendly fuels, electric cars.
I don’t have an electric car, I dislike how many artificially limit things like speed, it shouldn’t be a paid upgrade if the hardware is capable, the amount of tracking worries me too, like Tesla staff could see through your cabin cameras.
I’d rather have environment friendly fuels that work with older cars, even if that requires a new ECU+Fuel pump.
Log Horizon.
I like videogames, being transported to a world that is an MMO, even down to menu boxes would be awesome.