We don’t need to try and hang on to cash. We need redundancy. Whether that is by design with legislation, or making communications providers liable for losses for outage is the question. Obviously they will pass on any costs so the question is also which will be better for society and which will cost the least.
It’s ok. They are just doing what’s necessary to keep our data safe.
Mine in Sydney too.
Yes, but that’s partly my point. The teens and adults that are fans are only fans due to playing as kids, likely due to marketing to them. That’s not to say any game is good or bad, but to me it’s a sign of immaturity to bring it up. I’d have similar red flags with someone discussing non kid hobbies if I showed little interest. If someone wants to chat football or handbags, I’d equally want out. It’s a know your audience problem. If have no problem dating a Pokemon fan and I’d probably take up the game to play with them. My issue is being so into it it’s all you want to talk about on a first date. It would strine me as immature.
If we were discussing hobbies and they briefly brought it up, that wouldn’t be a red flag, per se.
Yes, a waterproof one for swimming. It’s life changing, but it means having to scour the seven seas for music as I don’t buy CDs or have an mp3 collection any more.
It’s a show marketed at kids. Manu adults like it as they grew up with it. Manu adultsike the games, but those unfamiliar are not starting as adults.
For me, it’s not about having a childhood hobby you still enjoy. It’s about not having the social awareness to not being it up on a first date. In context, sure, why not, if you walked by a poster or kid playing and it became a topic of conversation. But as a topic of conversation whose purpose is to get to know each other, I’d be worried they never matured.
I still.play video games from my childhood almost daily, when I get the chance. I won’t chat about combos or new sf6 characters with strangers or a first date.
Uncharted. Gone back to play the first. It’s fun, but a bit basic. It’s interesting to see the things they are trying out that later end up in the last of us.