No worries, happy to help. Yeah strength is totally viable. Just be aware that in LoP, parrying is just blocking. When you block, you take less damage and you get “rally” like in BB and get that HP back by hitting things. You can do a “perfect block” with good timing and take no damage. There is no Dark Souls or Sekiro-style parry mechanic.
If BB had too many RPG elements for you then you might want to skip LoP. To answer your question though, just pick Bastard at the beginning and never look at another weapon other than the rapier you start with. Don’t change your Legion Arm, just use the starter one for damage and poise breaking. Only put levels into Vigor, Vitality, and Technique when leveling for stamina, HP, and damage respectively. Eventually you will be able to buy an item called a “Technique Crank” from a guy whose name rhymes with panini. Put that on your rapier when you get it. That’s it.
Parrying is geared towards Strength builds (Strength is called Motivity in LoP). If you want to do strength pick Sweeper instead of Bastard and level Motivity instead of Technique. Put a Motivity Crank on your weapon instead of Technique.