Was it ever worthwhile at all? I remember listening to a few episodes early on but it felt empty, just parasocial shit pretending it’s some theory-heavy deep talk.
That said, I never really liked Yugopnik or Second Thought - first felt a bit try-hard (and I was over the dirtbag style when I found him), the other, ironically, too “clean”, kind of making himself algortithm friendly in my opinion. Hakim was alright though.
Or maybe I’m just not really into this particular kind of slop.
Stoics are so cool and rational
lmao I saw my uncle repost this exact post on facebook
I’m vegan btw
teams is the tool of the devil.
Not because it is particularly badly made, but simply bc my boss can reach me on it
Not a hexbearer myself but I feel the need to puke this out.
Not too great. Materially I’m okay, but the hitlerian pro-colonizer narratives all around me make me go all doom and gloom.
Death to Israel.
Death to Amerikkka.