
machinelearningalt [it/its]
made an alt for this so any future projects i make can’t be tied back to my main account.
i’m by no means the world’s leading expert on machine learning algorithms, but i’ve been diving into the world of machine learning for a while. this is from a conversation i had with some comrades about my predictions regarding the “dangers” of ai:
i don’t envision a skynet scenario as being the inevitable outcome of machine learning, rather I see machine learning being used to uphold already existing systemic inequalities. a logistical algorithm sending fewer resources to communities that “produce less” would, in effect, be no different than that community being unable to afford those resources because their surplus value is being extracted by a large corporation and they’re given a meager wage in the process. the largest impact that slapping these algorithms onto our already fucked up system of life has is further abstraction from the suffering on the basis of “objectivity”. the poor continue to suffer as the rich get to wash their hands more confidently
i’ve really only given this article a skim, but this is something to worry about far before any of the things this author is talking about