
Floyd baby.
I get the feeling of discomfort but it’s basically the same feeling we get when someone breaks a pencil
There is no evidence that a mosquito is capable of feeling the kind of despair or horror that a human would feel in a similar situation. It’s unlikely that mosquitos can form emotions at all.
At the same time, a huge portion of human-animal interactions involve the human controlling the animal in ways that they animal can’t even comprehend. A dog has no idea you’re doing operant conditioning to change their behavior. Pigs have no idea they’re being fed just so they and their children can be eaten.
The only way to avoid this kind of thing is to turn off your big human brain and go back to ape tier. We might need to go farther down the tier list than that though https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War
I’ve been thinking about this exact question recently.
My Austrian grandmother and her sister were working class teenagers during the war. They couldn’t realistically have done anything to stop the Nazis. They didn’t really do much to help but since they were seamstresses they secretly snuck the Jewish family in the building some sewing supplies. It wasn’t much and they stopped when they were told that someone had reported them to the Gestapo. Their experience during the war was dodging bombs and trying to find something to eat.
None of that matters. When I was a kid growing up in the US people regularly made Nazi jokes as soon as they found out about my heritage. Nobody was willing to entertain any ideas that maybe those civilians shouldn’t have been held accountable.
History judged all of Germany and Austria harshly. It judged the civilians harshly and it judged their descendants harshly.
The world is watching.
There have been a number of technologies that provided similar capabilities, at least initially.
When photography, audio recording, and video recording were first invented, people didn’t understand them well. That made it really easy to create believable fakes.
No modern viewer would be fooled by the Cottingley Fairies.
The sound effects in old radio shows and movies wouldn’t fool modern audiences either.
Video effects that stunned audiences at the time just look old fashioned now.
I expect that, over time, people will learn to recognize the low-effort scams. Eventually we’ll reach an equilibrium where most people won’t fall for them and there will still be skilled scammers who will target gullible people and get away with it.
There are a lot of scams around AI and there’s a lot of very serious science.
While generative AI gets all the attention there are many other fields of AI that you probably use on a regular basis.
The reason we don’t see the rest of the AI iceberg is because it’s mostly interesting when you have enormous amounts of data you want to analyze and that doesn’t apply to regular people. Most of the valuable AIs (as in they’ve been proven to make or save a bunch of money) do stuff like inventory optimization, protein expression simulation, anomaly detection, or classification.
It’s otherwise a fairly well written article but the title is a bit misleading.
In that context, scare quotes usually mean that generative AI was trained on someone’s work and produced something strikingly similar. That’s not what happened here.
This is just regular copyright violations and unethical behavior. The fact that it was an AI company is mostly unrelated to their breaches. The author covers 3 major complaints and only one of them even mentions AI and the complaint isn’t about what the AI did it’s about what was done with the result. As far as I know the APL2.0 itself isn’t copyrighted and nobody cares if you copy or alter the license itself. The problem is that you can’t just remove the APL2.0 from some work it’s attached to.
I’ve had a lot of success with a combination of Skritter and the Chairman’s Bao (TCB).
Skritter has been my favorite vocabulary building app. For a bunch of reasons:
- Supports SRS. It makes study time very efficient by making you practice the stuff your bad at rather than stroking your ego by asking you questions you’re good at. The only downside is that it doesn’t stroke your ego for you you’ll need to do that yourself by noticing how fast your vocabulary is increasing.
- Great writing practice. It recognizes strokes, in the proper order and corrects you when you’re wrong.
- A rich set of company and user generated “decks” (curated vocabulary lists) and the ability to create custom decks.
- Automatic deck creation. You can integrate with other apps (like the TCB) to reinforce your learning.
- The developers are a small team but they’re fairly responsive.
The Chairman’s Bao is a graded news reader. They create a bunch of articles based on vocabulary from different HSK levels. They have a nice integrated dictionary that will tell you about specific words in the context of that text. They also let you export those words to your Skritter lists.