northernflicker [he/him]
Cat is thermally inductive
People in little towns no matter what know something’s not right but lack a name for it. Use this to your favor.
I see your Demon Doll Louis and raise you a demonic clown Mr. Rodgers
Include me in the screen shot.
Cloudflare does their ddos protection not their hosting afaik but with that said wouldn’t hurt to file up some abuse reports with cloudflare for threats and harassment. Think it was actually copyright infringment that took down 8chan and other sites.
They do miss out on a lot of drama for being a drama hub but that’s how it goes when your language and region locked.
Chip away to manufacture some conditions by spreading the word is all we can do for now. Its a slow battle remember we didn’t switch from feudal society to capitalist society over night and those kings fought the bourgeois with all they could.