pikman1 [he/him]
Among the first people they posted (And thus implying their level of responsibility) was the fuckin’ Chapos all in their own dedicated tweet loooooooool :chapo-boys:
Mickey Mouse “Ha-Ha!” intensifies
“All entertainment is meant to distract from it’s country of origin’s crimes.”
Too bad “we” will never have any meaningful power in our lifetimes lol.
The Virgin Science vs. The Chad Pseudoscience
Are stupidpol literally just 80s movie bullies? lol
Like do they go “Hehe, weak lil NEEERRRDDDSSS!” n shit unironically, when odds are they’re probably not exactly olympians themselves?
AVGN voice
I’d be a pretty old man in 2068, but my god I’ll take it over not living to see this at all.
Come on laaattthhheee
Come on laaattthhheee