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This might be an Australia specific thing. I’m in the US and I’ve been paying separately for Spotify all along. We did have Slacker Radio included, and I recently got an email very similar to the one posted telling me that Slacker would no longer be included going forward.


I have to believe that whomever it was who coined the term “sex bot” would be very disappointed to see how the term is being used today.


First, it’s 2024. There are plenty of games that have figured out how to respect the gamer’s free time. Don’t hesitate or feel bad about dropping a game if it pretends being annoying/frustrating is an acceptable element of it’s difficulty curve. Life’s too damn short to be miserable playing a Souls-Like or something if it’s just not for you.

Second, I deal with something like you’re describing. What works for me is to recognize when frustration, anger or whatever is getting the better of me and just accepting that I’m just not going to be productive for that period. I invest in some self care, which can sometimes be as simple as laying in bed and stewing, or putting on some familiar sitcom until it’s time to go to bed.

It might be a day that I’m writing off; if it’s bad, it might be a week. But once I take that pressure off myself, sometimes it helps me get back on track faster than if I just tried to bury everything and soldier through.
