Infosec researcher | writes @
Hard to give you a definitive answer on this one. I’d say you’d be hard-pressed right now to pull that off without a direct referral or other networked way-in. Job market is condensing, lots of (experienced) out-of-work folks looking for new roles, etc… If you aren’t already in infosec, or you’re not a full-time dev with some security knowledge, it will be tough. Your best bet (roughly) on things to add to your skills/portfolio would be…
- Proficiency with one or more languages that your target role company uses (and evidence of this XP)
- In-depth knowledge of OWASP “stuff” (Top 10, ASVS, etc…)
- Practical XP with attacks/exploits (via experience, CTFs, trainings, Web Security Academy, etc…)
- Some applicable certs
Some other stuff you might find useful…
Li’l late, but I’ve been working on some re-design for my blog. I can’t overstate how much I hate CSS.
Pretty much it seems. Based on the target I’ve seen some speculation it’s NSA, maybe even in collab with Apple (though I kinda doubt it). Pretty crazy regardless. A level of skill that is pretty unfathomable imo. I’ve seen full time Vuln researchers completely mind blown over this. I’m too n00b to even have my mind blown properly by this hahaha.
Windows 🤣