
sindikat [he/him]

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I’m a conspiracy theory conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but I do believe they exist because of a conspiracy. 9/11 happened according to the official accounts. Trutherism, however, was fostered by CIA to prevent people from organizing against Patriot Act & Iraq War and discredit Bush critics.

(I’m talking out of my ass tbh, I’ve never looked into it. I’ve only started thinking this way after witnessing assholes like Posobiec fanning Pizzagate to derail from legit Epstein stuff)


TFW crushed by capitalism & patriarchy so much that have no energy to yell into the void


There are no anarchists on this site lol


This is new for me, because I never cared about my appearance. In my experience, straight women care way, way less about how a man looks, than straight men care about how women look. Even if those women say they do. I lost count how many times my female friends would go on and on how they are only into really tall guys, and then end up dating a really short guy. Or how they’re into athletic guys and end up dating some scrawny nerd just because he’s funny and not a weirdo. Damn, I was at my cousin’s wedding the other day, she’s a very good looking woman, and holy shit her groom was ugly as fuck. But maybe I’m biased because where I’m from women have real low standards and it’s embarrassing.

Maybe I’m dumb and don’t understand something, but it always felt to me that it’s ridiculously easy for a guy to be presentable. Just be hygienic (no dirt under fingernails, mate, we’ve been through this) and wear fitting clothes (common mistake: wearing clothes two sizes bigger). Basically, don’t look like you were studying the blade. And if a woman is really picky about your haircut or shoes, who cares what she has to say? Maybe she’s a terrible person anyway. Only once in my lifetime somebody was dickish about how I look: a girl who when we first met, straight up told me I had an ugly t-shirt. It was a plain green t-shirt with no pictures on it, dafuq. She turned out to be super toxic, and I’m glad I’m no longer friends with her.


As a non-white person lemme tell you: white guilt is liberalism. Communism isn’t advanced through white people feeling guilty or engaging in apologetic rituals, nobody needs this shit. Communism is advanced through solidarity and weaponizing every resource at your disposal to fight capitalism, including your white privilege. If you can use your white privilege to lift up your oppressed comrades, do it. If you don’t have the energy or capacity to fight capitalism though, no shame in focusing on self-care. Even if takes months or years, the stronger and more confident you are, the better comrade you’ll make.

Also, no ethical consumption under capitalism. An underage Thai girl who makes Nike shoes helps the blood-oiled cogs turn, by virtue of making Nike richer. That doesn’t mean anything.


Now he looks like Dinesh D’Souza, congratulations


I get Crowder, he’s perfect for the “attack helicopter” kind of people. But who THE FUCK watches Ben Sabibo?


lets say

kind of expected it to be a Ben Shapiro tweet.

Anyway, how the fuck “let’s drive by and throw some shit at a pedestrian” a thing? I was walking down the road one night, and 2 jackasses threw a milkshake or something at me. They missed, and a minute later they drove straight into the lamppost. WTF
