2 posts • 67 comments
Two things:
- About a week ago in school, my friend told me to remove System32.
I told him that I don’t have it on Linux and that I’ll show him how to break Linux.
I typed
rm -fr / --no-preserve-root
, but I was really tired that day, and for some reason, I pressed enter. After a second, I did Ctrl+C, and luckily, it was without sudo, but it still deleted many random files on my system that I’ve had access to. - Once I wanted to ssh into my Raspberry Pi on the local network and accidentally entered my local ip address and SSHed into my own computer, I was SSHing from. I deleted some config files thinking I’m doing it on the Raspberry, but luckily, I haven’t done any big damage. It could have ended much worse, however, because it took almost two hours of confused screaming until I noticed that I’m, in fact, doing all the stuff on my own computer. Don’t have the same username and password on pc and server, guys.
This is amazing! I’m not using Gnome, but moments like this are the reason why I love Linux so much.
I’m not exactly sure from where are you returning to the feed. Could you please write the exact steps of what you do, what happens and what do you expect? I’m using feeder too and also has some issues with it. The exact steps are also great if you wanna fill an issue.
Thank you. I could figure it out because I use the webview instead of the internal reader. I just set it to the reader and tried multiple articles, but wasn’t able to reproduce the bug you are describing. In your place, I would export the feeds, reinstall the app and import them back.
The Mull browser on F-Droid is similar in concept (privacy-focused FF fork)