Yeah, I love the FOSS philosophy and I would be a communist if I didn’t know that in my country and in every other country where communism is/was, it became a dictatorship doing reallly horrible things. I simply don’t have the trust in people to believe communism is possible without violation of human rights. It’s sad.
Sorry then, I should have written In every other country ruled by communists saying they are building communism, banning every other political party then the communist one, killing people in the name of communism. I see their unability to achieve communism even when they’ve had full control over country for decades as a proof of that it’s not really possible.
10 yo me on his way to include his day, month and year of birth in his reddit username that cannot be changed and to get enough karma on that account to not want to delete it.
Logseq is a pretty nice FOSS alternative to Obsidian I came across recently. Tmux is absolutely necessary for any terminal work. Wezterm is my favorite terminal emulator because you can easily disable all of the shortcuts except very few you want (tmux handles most of terminal stuff for me). Some new alternatives to old command line utilities:
- bat is cat but 1000 times better. I love it so much!
fun fact
I also recently learned that it’s safer, because you can have a file that has some bad command, then the backspace character several times, and cat doesn’t display the characters “deleted” by the backspaces (but it still executes). Bat doesn’t do that.
- fd is better find
- rg (ripgrep) is better grep
- zoxide is better cd
- dust is better du
Sice your saved post are synced across different clients, it has to be stored on the server and thus it can probably be view by admins of the instance you’re on. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m surprised nobody mentioned ChromeOS yet.