This is extremely foolish. If western universities and companies shun Isreali scientist, then it won’t take long for countries with antagonistic attitudes towards the west to embrace them, like Russia or China
You actually create a communist revolution by having a leftist demagogue convince a group of bored trust fund babies that they’re lives would be paradise if they only fundamentally change the government. The same demagogue goes to elite keyholders in the old government and promises power un the new government if they change sides. The revolution happens. Scores are settled, and many of those same trust fund babies are put against the wall, because the demagogue wants absolute political power, not a utopia for his supporters. The country is weakened, while political and civil rights are curtailed for the greater good
But what if I want to be better at being violent towards alien species?
If you throw the strongest opposition candidates in jail or arbitrarily declare them ineligible for candidacy right before an election, there is little chance of a fair election, no matter what propaganda articles like this try an perpetuate
You do realize poor and destitute people existed long before modern capitalism right. Medieval europe, and the ancient world was full of them, along with many socialist countries