

1 posts • 19 comments
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I think the focus on negative gearing is a bit of a distraction. As many have pointed out, properties are only negatively geared because they are losing money, which makes them looks like poor investments in the first place.

What people miss is on a whole, property actually makes money through capital gains on sale of the property, which will easily offset any of the operating cost that’s been accrued. Note though double dipping doesn’t happen because what has been deducted on negative gearing is taken away from the initial value of the property, thereby attracting more capital gain tax at the end.

The primary problem is, land value and hence property value naturally rises over time and is unavoidable. As cities grow, they spread out or they get more dense. Therefore an single property will be demanded by more people as it closer than more properties (as cities spread, or more city centres crop up nearby), and lower density than nearby buildings (as density of the area grows). No amount of anger will change the fact that land is a scarce resource, particularly convenient land. And so that price signal is important to allow that land to be used as efficiently as possible (you couldn’t want a giant farm near a CBD when it could house and cut commute costs for 50k people).

What we really should be doing is discouraging profiting off this natural and unproductive growth in value. Perhaps this could take the form of having a different capitals gain tax tier explicitly for residential properties. The other aspect is changing the primary residence exemption to be that you have to have lived in the property for at least 50% of the time you’ve owned it for, rather than just the last 12 months. Though overall, this would need to be designed carefully to prevent disadvantaging people who are simply wanting to upsize, or simply to relocate to an equivalent location.


In that case, if the renovation wasn’t deducted off primary income by negative gearing, it would be deducted off the CGT tax when the property is sold as it could count as a capital expense.



I’m not sure what point you’re making, but someone sitting on 10 properties with a total networth of $20M cannot spent any of that until they sell the property. That’s $20M is on paper wealth. That $20M only becomes real wealth when they sell up, at which point it attracts CGT.


This might be harsh but I have little sympathy for this woman. Remember she was the news anchor at CGTN from 2012 - 2020 and based on Beijing at that time. CGTN is a state owned news (i.e. propaganda) outlet. She was an Australian Citizen prior to taking that position, so surely she should be aware of what she was walking into a conflict between Australian values of freedom and the oppression that the CGTN apparatus represents.

Instead of being an ethical and fearless journalist, she picked money, clout and prestige, betraying the very principles of the country that she’s pleading for sympathy from now.

The fact that the role become a poisoned chalice is entirely predictable. It’s disappointing that our government is now having to expend political capital for her.


Extra speed of build is a pretty good draw card even if it is 30% more expensive, and just diversifying the range of materials available for building high rises is always good for the industry. It’ll be interesting to see where it ends up!


I’m not claiming any moral high ground, I’m merely staying that she worked for a Chinese media organisation and that essentially makes her part of China’s political apparatus. That makes her at risk of being a political prisoner.

Also as Raltoid said, she’s spent 37/47 years of her life in China. Coupled with her career choice, her government is the Chinese Government, not the Australian government despite what her papers say.


Let me put it another way, where do you think her loyalties lie before her arrest? China or Australia? If you don’t think that matters, I’d urge you to examine what citizenship means.


While I’m a strong supporter of the Voice, I fear it’s going to be defeated. I’ve spoken to a number of people around me and there’s genuine confusion around whether it’s something indigenous Australians want. While the statistics show 80-90% support amongst indigenous Australians for the Voice, when the Coalition trots out Price and Mundine, the public sees a sizable dissenting indigenous faction. Those I’ve spoken to are unsure if they should vote yes solely on the basis that they aren’t sure if indigenous Australians want it, and that’s from my more progressive mates.

Labor has and is botching this campaign in a major way. Their near silence and passive approach to this campaign is failing and it’s shifting normally supportive people into undecideds, let along flipping the undecided voters.

Either Labor and the Greens lift their game fast or this referendum is dead. Polling is suggesting that support has already dipped below 50%.


Surely they have more incentive to drive safe coz the price of having an accident is so much higher for them (physical injury, maiming and death).


Why is this a single box people have to write in, rather than two boxes with “yes” or “no” that the voter has to tick, cross, fill in to select?

What if people write yes/no in their own language.

Honestly this set up does seem dumb and leaves so much to for error.
