
swiggityswoosh [any]

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You weren’t going to find gun on the fireplaces in feudal backwaters, its purely a colonial thing.


there’s assuming that the president is powerless, and assuming that he’s all powerful. You’re doing the latter. The president is beholden to private business interests, so is congress. If they abuse the power capital gives them they will be removed and limits will be put in place to prevent that abuse from happening again. It took the world wars to codify into law the two term limit after Roosevelt broke tradition, it took however many dead presidents before Kennedy to properly codify a line of succession upon the death of the president. We’ve already had two presidents in our lifetime win by electoral college, I’m sure capital is getting around to that next.


Well I don’t care about why Americans have guns, I care about why communists think we need personal gun ownership. Just because Marx said under no pretexts should the workers be disarmed doesn’t mean he’s right. I see that line as more as an argument for why workers should form militias rather than stockpile weapons individually. The second ammendment can be interpreted the same way, a well regulated militia doesn’t mean personal gun ownership. But you may argue that’s not what Marx or the founding fathers intended, and you’ll be right. They both argued for personal gun ownership, and let me say it again they are wrong!

If capitalists are producing guns we need to stop guns we need to control gun production in the same way we need to control drug production or car production. An absolutist abolitionist stance on guns is wrong too, some people have to die, guns are very effective, maybe too effective. All the more reason to regulate them. A lot of people here are afraid of saying the word police but we need police, not the police we currently have but a police force is necessary for the functioning of society. They need to be 100% an arm of the left, we need to make them as nonviolent as possible, and we need to stop diluting ourselves about there being a class war, its just as insane as thinking there will be a race war or religious war, we do not want war, we do not want to fight fascists, we need to prevent mass death as much as possible and a war to prevent a perceived greater catastrophe is not the way to do it. Fascists have guns, the best way we can conceivably disarm them is with gun control enforced by the police, a lot won’t disarm due to gun culture, we shouldn’t start a war over it. We could start ending gun violence by stopping gun production.

Alright, flay me alive. Tell me how daddy marx is spinning in his grave over saying its irrational to horde your gunarinos for an eventual class war.


The working class works towards its own destruction without any coercion. People working in the military industrial complex aren’t slaves, they aren’t going to starve on the street if they quit, they willingly choose to work for companies that make guns, airplanes, and tanks. Same could be said about a lot of industries. The proletariat should be abolished and not idolized. I hope every coal miner gets lung cancer.


I don’t think they intended that. The presidency was supposed to be powerful from the start, it just wasn’t supposed to be elected by popular vote, involve political parties, or touch sensitive issues at the time like slavery. The presidency is responsible for almost every landgrab in US history, congress has been the rubber stamp in the political process a lot more times than the presidency has. The presidency was supposed to be equal to congress and the supreme court, but the only thing keeping it that way was the individual restraint of the president. And when the president stepped out of line legislation would be written to keep the president from doing it again. Basically they came up with the rules as they went along.

I think eventually the power of the president will be diminished so greatly by congress that eventually the speaker of the house will become the de facto leader. I also think democrats will put more justices on the supreme court and make them party affiliated and have terms and be elected and essentially become a second senate and ammendments will become so numerous we will eventually have over 100 of them and they will be passed for the most menial of reasons like “176th ammendment: of the military budget, only x% can go to a specific company when purchasing x y and z”.

The reason why I think speaker of the house will replace the president is that there’s no term limits, all a person has to do is be in charge of a party and get a supermajority, I think if leftists are going to get power through legitimate means we should look at controlling the house and subverting the democratic party (because let’s be honest we ain’t gonna get rid of it). Of course simply overthrowing this system is an option too but that would make people angry and avoiding political violence should be a concern.


Said the dead guy.


Bernie would have been a Trump figure if he got elected. I think we were misled by the pied pipers of the dirt bag left into supporting him. Now he’s too old to run.


I believe that in the far future congress will become the main seat of power. The speaker of the house will hold more power than the presidency, libs will shoot themselves in the foot by empowering the Supreme Court, and we will still have the constitution for some reason.


The democrats, not knowing when a joke is dead. Rename the 45th president of the United States drumpf to absolutely own him reddit style. John Oliver blows his brains out with a colt 45 on live television.
